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  • theemonosonico

My first Barnes & Noble Author Signing was a success! Praise God!

Updated: Aug 1

It was a little daunting until my first customer broke the ice— A nice man who is a fan of The Chosen series. He was walking out when my sign caught his eye. And then things picked up after that. Thank you sir!

I love talking about the Chosen Kids to families! They’re always so excited by the story!

One sweet young lady traveled from another city to meet me and get the books. She’s a teacher at a Christian private school and wants to share The Chosen Kids with her students. I was so encouraged to hear that. What a blessing to know more kids are going to be introduced to the story!

Another little fan came by just to grab a copy of book one for her bestie’s Christmas gift!

After a couple hours, my cousins showed up and bought copies for their families, and before I knew it, I had only a few books left.

And the last copy (of book one) went to a young boy who insisted he wanted to read it after hearing all about the story. Even when his mom told him she thought it would be too religious. He said he wanted to read it. She asked him three times. And three times, he said yes. Isn’t God awesome? He’s getting the books to the right readers. Hallelujah!

It was a lovely day!

Thank you to our Father in Heaven! I love this task You’ve given me. I give all the glory to You. Amen.
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