I had so much fun and enjoyed meeting everyone at the Alpha Omega Christian Con in Long Beach. Even if it was HOT! As in 103 degrees! So grateful for the crowd that braved the weather and showed up for this wonderful event!
Everything was well organized, and I felt a lot of love from the church members and volunteers. It was so nice to open the day with prayer too. There were awesome vendors, artists, and authors, panels on Christianity and pop culture topics, entertaining activities for kids (and adults), and a cosplay contest!
I made some new friends and met some fellow Christian authors. A couple of cousins showed up and even my 83-year-old aunt stopped by!
However, The Chosen Kids were not a good fit for the AO Con. Most of the preteens were running to the tables with toys, collectibles, and comics, not so much Action & Adventure books. But it was the most fun learning experience I have had on this author journey.
Next year, I’ll go as an attendee and enjoy the panels, activities, and cosplay contest that I missed all day.
I highly recommend this event for Christian families who like comics, pop-culture, cosplay, and meeting other geeky believers. I’ll be back.
If you'd like to know more about the con and sign up for their newsletter for next year's event go to www.alphaomegacon.com